balsamic vinegar, butter, pine nut & vegetable broth recipes

3 recipes

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Bell Peppers Stuffed With Couscous, Pine Nuts and Raisins

Ingredients: pine nut, butter, balsamic vinegar, vegetable broth, couscous, red onion, fresh mint, raisins, egg, olive oil

Gourmet Mash with Green Veg

Ingredients: pine nut, butter, balsamic vinegar, vegetable broth, milk, creme fraiche, truffle oil, black truffle, olive oil, asparagus, potato

Root Vegetable-Butter Bean Gratin

Ingredients: pine nut, butter, balsamic vinegar, vegetable broth, parmesan, panko, rosemary, carrot, olive oil, cooking spray, tomato paste, parsnip, lima beans, onion, potato, garlic, chili flake