butter, raspberry, self-raising flour, raspberry jam, sugar & white chocolate recipes

5 recipes

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Raspberry and White Chocolate Loaf Cake


Ingredients: self-raising flour, butter, white chocolate, raspberry jam, sugar, raspberry, egg

Raspberry and White Chocolate Cake


Ingredients: self-raising flour, butter, white chocolate, raspberry jam, sugar, raspberry, flour, egg, confectioners’ sugar

PBJ blondies


Ingredients: self-raising flour, butter, white chocolate, raspberry jam, sugar, raspberry, peanut butter, peanut, brown sugar, vanilla, egg

Raspberry and coconut layer cake


Ingredients: self-raising flour, butter, white chocolate, raspberry jam, sugar, raspberry, milk, shredded coconut, vanilla, egg, food coloring, lime

Two Colour Chocolate and Raspberry Layer Cake


Ingredients: self-raising flour, butter, white chocolate, raspberry jam, sugar, raspberry, milk, cream, chocolate, baking powder, vanilla, egg, coffee, dark cocoa