chicken breast, potato, lemon, chili flake & jalapeno recipes

3 recipes

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Spiced-yogurt roast chicken

Ingredients: chicken breast, lemon, jalapeno, potato, chili flake, yogurt, cumin, ginger root, olive oil, coriander powder, turmeric, garlic

Stove-Free Chicken with Red Bliss Potatoes, Summer Squash and Chile-Garlic Butter

Ingredients: chicken breast, lemon, jalapeno, potato, chili flake, butter, cracked pepper, shallot, zucchini, extra virgin olive oil, basil, summer squash, garlic, seasoned salt

Homemade Kentucky Burgoo

Ingredients: chicken breast, lemon, jalapeno, potato, chili flake, worcestershire, beef steak, lamb shank, pork bones, ketchup, celery, cabbage, mixed beans, carrot, molasses, corn, apple cider vinegar, bell pepper, onion, canned tomato, garlic, okra, cayenne