tomato, oregano, green olives, chili flake & white wine vinegar recipes
3 recipes
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Greek Salsa with Pita Chips
Ingredients: green olives, white wine vinegar, tomato, oregano, chili flake, pita chips, feta, lemon, red onion, cucumber, parsley, olive oil, garlic, italian seasoning
Easy Pasta Salad with Homemade Italian Dressing
Ingredients: green olives, white wine vinegar, tomato, oregano, chili flake, parmesan, noodle, lemon, cauliflower, cucumber, basil, vegetable oil, dijon mustard, parsley, bell pepper, sugar, garlic, scallion, canned chickpea
Pickled broccoli
Ingredients: green olives, white wine vinegar, tomato, oregano, chili flake, barley rusks, feta, cumin, peppercorn, ginger root, cucumber, broccoli, honey, bay leaf, olive oil, fennel seed, onion, sugar, garlic