tomato sauce, bell pepper, parmesan, black olives & cheddar recipes
3 recipes
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Combination Pizza Nachos with Optional Pepperoni and Sausage
Ingredients: parmesan, cheddar, tomato sauce, black olives, bell pepper, pepperoni, sweet italian sausage, mozzarella, red onion, tortilla chips, button mushroom
Pesto Veggie Pizza
Ingredients: parmesan, cheddar, tomato sauce, black olives, bell pepper, pesto, flour, mozzarella, yeast, red onion, garlic powder, honey, cornmeal, olive oil, tomato, onion powder, italian seasoning
How to Cook Spaghetti Squash 4 Ways
Ingredients: parmesan, cheddar, tomato sauce, black olives, bell pepper, ground beef, pepperoni, chicken breast, pad thai sauce, peanut, mozzarella, alfredo sauce, bean sprouts, red onion, red cabbage, salsa, spaghetti squash, carrot, parsley, olive oil, cilantro, scallion